My stepdad was a hidden Jew in Holland during WWII so if it wasn't for me living in Berlin he would never have come to touch German soil. A lot of people who come to Berlin like to get tripped out by imagining the sounds of Nazi boots in the streets. In his case, this memory is real, although he admits that it gets mixed with the hundreds of movies you see on the subject.
When a kid in Rotterdam, he was standing outside when hundreds of young German soldiers gently parachuted down into the town, occupying Holland and consequently ruining his childhood. Last week, while my parents were researching for the book he is writing about his life, he saw footage of this same event, and was shocked at how closely it mimicked what he remembered. I was a bit worried, I thought he should never watch this again so that the film does not erase his true memory. "Well", he said, "the memory and the film were so close. We bought the DVD, I can't wait to watch it again."
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